10 Ways To Make Thin Hair Look Thick

10 Ways To Make Thin Hair Look Thick
According to a study, over 25% of men above thirties consider getting a hair transplant surgery from a hair transplantation clinic because their hair is thinning and falling off.
Make thin hair appear thicker
You can add volume to your hair and fulfill your longing of having thick hair by following these tips.
- Don’t Use Hard Detergents
Hard detergents can be very damaging for your thin hair. They include sulfates that cut through grease and you need some type of oil in your head all the time. Dry hair can be a cause of hair loss and make your hair look even thinner. Use shampoos that are made for thin hair to keep the chemical levels on the low and avoiding hair transplantation.
- Use Thickening Shampoo
You will need to invest in hair products that promote hair thickness. Choose the hair shampoo and conditioner that aids hair growth. They will help strengthen your hair. Read the shampoo packages carefully and research on the internet. Remember to use conditioner before shampoo to lock out humidity from your scalp and keeping it moisturized.
- Use Comb Instead of a Brush
Brushes are hard on your hair and with more strokes, your thin hair will not withstand their brutality and will result hair fall. After taking a shower, use your fingers or a comb between your hair while blow drying it to remove the water from the strands. This works because you lift the roots of your hair with blow drying and pulling your hair outwards. The heat works on the roots, strengthening them and causing them to grow in good quantity but if you overstretch or overheat the hair, they may not give the desired result. It may take all the elasticity out and cause them to break. Be gentle while drying your hair.
- Use Volume Spray
Volume spray does what its name suggests; it adds volume, or maybe make it look fuller. This spray contains polymers that coat your hair and make them look fuller. Using it before going out is recommended.
- Styling Your Hair in Waves
Wavy hair makes your hair look thicker instantly. Use heat protection spray on your hair and go for the wavy look with your curler. It will add more width and the texture will make your hair look thick.
- Using a Round Brush
If you have thin hair, use a round brush. The round brush makes your hair look thick due to the shape they create. Brush your hair downwards to produce a C-shape and curling it through the ends. This will straighten and volumize your hair.
- Be Careful On Hair Color
Thin hair usually doesn’t have a lot of strength in them to bear heavy chemicals from hair products. You need to be careful while getting new hair color to not to overdo and not do it regularly. Bleach can seriously affect the density of your hair. Even if you have thick hair, to begin with, too much hair color can thin them out and may even because hair loss and you might have to get hair transplant surgery to get your former look back.
- Change Your Parting Style
If you part your hair at one side, try switching the parting and if you part your hair through the middle, part your hair sideways. Parting your hair to their unusual side lifts the roots. It is an instant thickening boost. You can add volume spray or powder to the parted side to increase the growth of the lift.
- Wear Your Hair Short
Short to medium hair is ideal for people who have thin hair. The reason is that long hair is heavier, and they can cause the hair to weigh itself down. If this happens, your hair can be even thinner than they are already.
- Deep Cleansing
Taking care of your hair will decrease the chances of hair loss and lesser chances of getting hair transplantation. Deep cleansing your hair is the best care you can provide. The hair traps the products you have used in the past to the scalp. Use a cleansing shampoo and apply them directly to the scalp to remove any buildups from the products.
These tips will help you take care of your thin hair, making them look thicker and giving you less reason to go for a hair transplant due to less hair fall.