Top 10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight

There are many people who go to a medical center for weight loss. Since weight loss programs have become very popular, everyone is attracted to lose weight. Some people have the doctors weight loss center to help them lose some pounds. While you may be working very hard, you may notice that you are not losing weight. Here are the possible reasons why:

You Have A Low Protein Intake

If you are cutting back on your calorie intake, you have to make sure that your protein intake is stable. The doctors weight loss center can be helpful, you can get your diet chart. Low protein intake will slow down your weight loss program. The best way is to eat boiled eggs for breakfast.

You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

You need to drink lots of water because it will boost your weight loss. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water each day so that your body functions normally. Water also increases the metabolic rate so you will digest your food quickly. If you join a medical center for weight loss, the first thing that day will tell you is to increase your water intake.

You Are Stressed

If you are overwhelmed with your daily routine, this can be a major factor why you are not losing those pounds. The daily routine can give you stress and that is not good for weight. The stress hormone directly affects your weight gain. Try to make a coping mechanism for your everyday stress.

The Psychological Effects of Using Cash Instead of a Credit Card

According to a study, if you use a credit card while grocery shopping, you tend to pick up unhealthy foods. They can directly lead to obesity. But those who use cash go for less unhealthy foods. Maybe you can experiment with this and see for yourself.

You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep

A disturbed sleep cycle can affect you in various ways. It can be a major reason why you are not losing weight. A good sleep is not an option but a necessity.  Poor sleep is directly linked to obesity because sleep deprivation will affect your hormones which control hunger. The best way is to consult a medical center for weight loss and tell them your sleeping habits.

You Are Not Eating Whole Foods

Eating whole and single ingredient foods can help you improve your weight loss efforts. For example, go for fruits and vegetables which do not need a label to tell their nutritional value. Eating an apple every day can give you the required fiber which you need. The vitamins and minerals will give you the feeling that your stomach is full. So, you will not eat anything extra.

You Are Eating Too Much Healthy Food

Weight loss is all about decreasing your calorie intake and increasing the number of calories burnt. Even if you are eating too much healthy food, you are increasing the calorie intake. It will become a hurdle in the weight loss efforts. Try to make portions of your meals based on their calorie count. Burn more calories than you consume for a faster weight loss.

You Are Drinking Calories

Some people do not monitor their liquid intake while struggling to lose weight. The fancy beverages, fruit juices, and even coffee can give you extra calories which you could have eaten in a meal. Try to replace them with water because it will boost your weight loss program.

You Are Doing Low-Intensity Cardio

While this low-intensity cardio is good, but it is not sufficient to reduce your weight. Gradually you have to go for more intense cardio exercises to boost your stamina. It will increase your metabolic rate as well and contribute to the weight loss efforts. You can join a gym for this.

You Are Not Getting Enough Calories

Weight loss can only happen if you decrease your calorie intake. But this does not mean that you will drastically lower your diet. Not eating enough will starve you. In this way your metabolic rate will be low. If you train your body like this, gradually the metabolic rate will be decreased. There are doctors weight loss center to help you out with this problem.