How to Know If You’re a Candidate for Hair Transplantation

How to Know If You’re a Candidate for Hair Transplantation
Just because you have noticed that some of your hair fall out, it does not mean that you need hair transplantation. If you are starting to loser hair you do not know how fast or how far your hair loss will progress.
Men who are suffering from years of baldness are commonly the best candidates for the hair transplant surgery. You need to give transplant surgery a serious thought, look for a surgeon that you could depend on, and research for your options. That is the reason why the right candidate for this process might have educated themselves about the kind of hair loss they are suffering from. With that said, hair loss at the first stage is treated best with medications.
If you are considering hair transplantation, the questions you should never forget to ask yourself are:
- Are there some options that you have looked into yet?
- Are you willing to making financial commitment needed for different surgeries?
- Does your hair loss affecting you badly?
Make Wise Decisions When Considering Hair Transplant Surgery
You must never rush into getting the surgery done. Try learning as much as you could about your preferred hair transplantation method you are considering before making the decision to go forward with the surgery.
The best thing you should do to know if surgery is what you really need is through having more consultations from the leading professionals in the field. It isn’t a bad idea to get your loved ones be involved in the process of your decision making.
You are a Good Candidate If:
- You have flexible scalp
- You have enough donor hair to supply the balding areas
- You have realistic expectations
- You understand the whole procedure thoroughly
- You experience male pattern baldness
You’re Not a Candidate If:
- Your finances will not let you keep getting hair transplantation for a long period of time
- You have light scalp
- You have low density of hair
- You are a male suffering from DUPA
Things to consider for hair transplant
Once you get the hair transplant done, it does not mean that you will not need to go back to get more procedures. With that said, your surgeon must inform you regarding what might happen after the procedure. Majority of surgeons will offer you both long and short term plan. For instance, a hair restoration clinic may prescribe medications to stop or slow down hair loss in the future.