How To Win Child Custody For Fathers

How To Win Child Custody For Fathers
It is an unfortunate reality for fathers that the judicial system usually gives preference to mothers in matters of child custody. However, it is possible to move the court in your favor by following these tips from divorce lawyers.
Never Miss or Delay Your Child Support Payments
This is one of the first things the court will look at when considering a child custody case, and a father who frequently defaults on his child support payment without a good cause will most likely be assumed to be not interested in their child’s welfare.
Create A Strong Bond Between You and Your Child
Even if you don’t have custody of your child, it is important to let them know you are always there for them. Make the most of your time together and approach them as someone they can rely on, not just someone they are obligated to be with.
Record Your Contributions in Your Child’s Life
You will need to establish in court how much of a positive influence you are in your child’s life, and for that it is important to note down each and everything you have done for them in order to strengthen your case and demonstrate to the jury that you would make a better custodian.
Make Sure You Are Present at All the Events Involving Your Child
Being an active part of your child’s life is important for establishing that you care about them and their achievements. Make sure that you are up to date on whatever they are participating in and be present there on the sidelines to show your utmost support.
Give Your Child Their Own Room in Your Home
One of the most important things that the court considers during a child custody hearing is the accommodation arrangements for the child, so having a separate bedroom for them in your home is very important.
Have Plans to Meet All Your Child’s Future Needs
When it comes to child rearing, you don’t just have to think about the now but how things will be in five or ten years from now. Are you sufficiently equipped to handle all their needs when your child is a teenager or preparing to go to college?
Respect Everyone Involved in Your Child’s Life
Loving your child means getting along with everyone they interact with on a daily basis. As a parent, you have the right to advise them if you feel someone is a bad influence, but you can’t impose on who they can and cannot be friends with.
Evaluate What’s in Your Child’s Best Interest
This may sound odd in a blog promoting father’s custody, but if you really love your child, sit down and think about whether staying with you really is in their best interests.
Consult A Friend Who Has Been Through This Before
If you know someone who recently had to fight it out in court to obtain custody of their child, talking to them can be really helpful in giving you an idea about what to expect.
See If the Matter Can Be Resolved Out Of Court
Matters involving child custody are much better resolved out of court where both parties can sit down and decide what’s best for their child’s future. Not only that, it is also better for the child’s mental wellbeing to see its parent’s not going at each other’s throats in court.
We understand how important it is for you as a father to have custody over your child, and we hope that the above tips help you in obtaining that. Remember that you are not in this alone. There is always legal aid available in the form of professional lawyer who will represent your best interests in court.
What’s more, a lot of them offer free initial consultation so make sure to avail the opportunity to get an expert’s opinion on your case before you present it before court.
Also note that not all family law services are created equal, so when you are looking for a divorce attorney Fairfax VA to assist you in your fight for child custody, make sure to hire one that has prior experience representing fathers, as well as a good track record.