What Are The Different Types Of Winter Roof Damage

What Are The Different Types Of Winter Roof Damage
The winter season is not only hard on humans but house roofs as well. This is probably that time of the year when cars, homes, and several other things experience the most amount of damage due to dust, debris, and ice accumulation. Therefore, before the spring season sets in, you need to make sure that your roof is stable, and if there is any problem, you should get roof repair contractors to fix it. In this blog, we are going to discuss types of winter roof damage so that you get a head start to the process.
Why And How Winter Elements Cause Roof Damage?
A well-constructed and maintained roof shouts last anywhere between 25-30 years. However, several types of roof damages can occur during the process. Among the causes, the weather is the biggest element contributing to roof damage. If your house roof is damaged, not only will it create dripping and several other types of problems but will also make it harder to sell. Most often, people wait till the spring season to address the damage but it could be a big, expensive mistake. Therefore, take a look at some of the popular roof damage causes so that you can avoid damages.
The Wind Can Cause Roof Damage
Not only does the hurricane season cause roof damage but the winter season has its fair share of strong wind storms as well. In some states, the winds can reach up to a speed of 80 mph. In the case of such strong winds, shingles being loosened, torn, or broken off is a common occurrence. While shingles are one thing affected by the winter season, flashing is another. Flashings tend to loosen or rip off when the winter season is too extreme. At the same time, the rakes and ridges of the roof also take a significant amount of damage.
Preventing Wind Damage
To prevent wind damage, invest in some good-quality shingles that can withstand the brunt of extreme winds. Furthermore, call a professional to come inspect the roof for any issues. If there are any loose trees or branches above the roof, get them trimmed as well.
Snow Damage To The Roof
Your roof should have a properly functioning drainage system that allows ice to exit. The accumulation of snow and buildup puts weight and pressure on the roof and that could become problematic. While some roofs are designed to handle such weights, others are not. Therefore, if you notice that there are some leaks, cracks, or a sagging ceiling, you should immediately call a roofer to fix the issue. Moreover, keep an eye on ice build-up and regularly clean it to reduce stress on the roof.
Attic Condensation
Moisture is the biggest enemy of household appliances, objects, and items and the roof is not an exception. If left ignored, the ice dams on your roof will cause extensive condensation that will affect your attic ceiling. In such cases, even a slight moisture build-up can cause the wood to rot and even mold to produce. In addition to that, the attic floor is the only place where the most amount of moist air enters. If you happen to observe or suspect condensation in your attic. Make sure that it is properly ventilated.
Icicles, Gutters And Flat Roofs
Icicles may look beautiful but you have no idea about the amount of damage they can cause. Icicles can cause a tremendous amount of damage to gutters and shingles. They can also hurt someone if they were to fall and break. If it manages to build-up on your gutters and downspouts, it could become really difficult to remove them without having to damage the roof. Therefore, to prevent such damages, make sure that your gutters are clean. If your house features a flat roof, you will need to remove the downspout and then open the drain manually.
Final Word
In some cases, preventing winter roof damage is easy. However, in other cases such as the downspouts and gutters, it is suggested that you leave the task up to roof repair companies. Make sure that you do your part of regular maintenance and inspections, and call in roofers as soon as you experience a problem. bros